Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

Well, Halloween has come and gone again...whew! I do have to admit that it was more enjoyable than last year...probably because I wasn't nauseous from pregnancy! It was fun to see Jessi (Hannah Montana) and Logen (Indiana Jones) in their school parade,(pictured above) and watch Sawyer keep excitement all day about "trick or treating". You wouldn't believe how well they behaved all day when "trick or treating" was at stake! Bob took them out just as it was getting dark...Sawyer was done by the end of our street, but that's okay because he helped me hand out the candy. Jessi and Logen lasted an hour and a half and only came home because they couldn't lift their bags anymore! We have 2 HUGE bowls completely full of candy...but at the rate I'm going...I mean the rate the kids are going, it'll be gone by next week! All in all, It was a happy and fun Halloween...now on to Christmas!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Those are some fun costumes!