Tuesday, November 25, 2008

He did WHAT?!!!

I'm still trying to decide if I should label today's experience with Logen humorous, upsetting, or sad. I think I'll have to go with all three...if that's possible. Let me explain... I guess it was humorous because it's true, "boys will be boys", but it's upsetting because it proves how wicked this world is. And sad because my little boy is growing up and losing his innocence...thanks to some foreigner whose parents don't give a crap about teaching their kids a little respect! Anyway, on with the story. I was on the computer today, listening to the kids play outside. I heard some yelling and seconds later Jessi comes running in all upset and asked me what "flipping the bird" is. Uhhh... why in the world would she want to know that?! I told her that it's a swear word in sign language and she doesn't need to know what it looks like. Then she held her finger up and asked, "is it this?"! I said, "yeah, who did that?!!" "Logen just did it to the neighbor girl (name withheld)", she said. I honestly could not hold back my smile, and not just because I'm not very fond of this neighbor girl. But picturing little Logen flipping the bird was actually quite funny. I told her to send Logen in...and he came in with that little dimpled grin that says "I know I'm in trouble, maybe this grin will get me out of it". I asked him if he flipped the neighbor girl off, and why. He said he did because she was bugging him. Come to find out, he learned it from the 10 year old neighbor boy. I asked him if he knew what it meant...and he didn't, so I told him that he just said a really bad word in sign language and if I ever see or hear of him doing it again, he will NEVER get another Christmas in his life! His little grin quickly disappeared and was replaced with complete and udder shock. It's moments like this that I get a high on my "mother power"! Anyway, he told me he will never ever do it again; (yeah right) I'm hoping at least not until he's a teenager. Bob is no help either. When I told him what Logen did, he broke down laughing like he was pretty impressed and said, "Logen, you flipped the neighbor girl off?!" It wasn't until I said, "yeah, and he'll never do it again...right Logen?" that Bob sobered up and agreed with me, telling him that if he does it again, he'll break his finger. The sad part about this, is that I can't even go over and talk to this boy's mom because she doesn't speak English...this boy has to interpret things to her and you know that he won't interpret the story correct! So, for now, my kids are not allowed to play with this little trouble maker neighbor...at least until his mom can learn to discipline and teach her son better, which is probably never! Hopefully some of what I teach and tell my kids will eventually stick and situations like this will not rub off on them anymore. Aren't kids priceless?!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cute little Gavin

It's hard to believe that Gavin is already 4 months old. I wish I could get rid of the baby weight as fast as I put it on! Anyway, back to Gavin. I think his eyes will probably turn out to be hazel...although Logen's were hazel until he was about 1 or 2...then they went brown. Not as brown as Jessi's, and definitely not blue like Sawyer's! Everyone has their opinion on who Gavin looks like... but as his mother, who is always right, I think he's looking a lot like Jessica. :) They have a lot of similarities...neither of them have dimples (except on the chin), both have a round face, and they even have the same vein showing between their eyebrows. Despite his cute looks and contagious grin at whoever looks at him, he is an absolute joy! He was sleeping about 6 hours at night, but then all of a sudden went back to waking up every 3 hours...growth spurt? I don't know, but he is probably the chunkiest of my kids! None of them had rolls of fat, but he sure does...and it's adorable! He's starting to grab at things and pull them into his mouth. It's funny to see him concentrate on something in front of him and go cross eyed! I'm not quite sure if he'll be a thumb sucker, too. He loves sucking his fists and actually gets his thumb in there, but gnaws on it more than sucks it. It doesn't matter...my kids are all going to need braces regardless if they are thumb suckers or not! Gavin loves to talk, too. If you just look at him, he'll break into a huge grin and then start talking to you. I always answer him with a "really?!" or "you're kidding me!" and Logen asks me if I know what he's saying...I tell him "yes" and then he drills me after every "goo" and "gaw" from Gavin on what he just said. I thought Logen was kidding, but nope...he really thought I knew what Gavin was saying! I could use this towards my advantage...haha! Anyway, Gavin never lacks love in this household...the kids ALWAYS fight over who gets to hold him. And he is always being smothered...literally...with kisses. We all love Gavin and are thoroughly enjoying him and his cute little personality that is coming out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

Well, Halloween has come and gone again...whew! I do have to admit that it was more enjoyable than last year...probably because I wasn't nauseous from pregnancy! It was fun to see Jessi (Hannah Montana) and Logen (Indiana Jones) in their school parade,(pictured above) and watch Sawyer keep excitement all day about "trick or treating". You wouldn't believe how well they behaved all day when "trick or treating" was at stake! Bob took them out just as it was getting dark...Sawyer was done by the end of our street, but that's okay because he helped me hand out the candy. Jessi and Logen lasted an hour and a half and only came home because they couldn't lift their bags anymore! We have 2 HUGE bowls completely full of candy...but at the rate I'm going...I mean the rate the kids are going, it'll be gone by next week! All in all, It was a happy and fun Halloween...now on to Christmas!!